This is the altar that was in the sanctuary of the temple, when we arrived there were some weird tourist that had water and crystals on the altar. Apparently they were blessing the water as they believed that there was still a very powerful presence/energy there and they were purifying the water to save for something later???? Ok each to their own.
This is what makes this temple so different to the rest of the temples, where most are there to show the power and authority of the Pharaoh and this one does but this one also has a lot of information within it. This temple was dedicated to the crocodile god Sobek and the Pharaoh decided to include pictures of the wild life, flora, fauna, medical instruments, and other important every day things that were present at the time. Quite interesting really.
Also to the right of the picture there is a room where you can see 2 of the crocodiles that were mummified and kept at this temple.
This picture is just to show you how deep the carvings are on this temple. This was done as the Pharaoh of the time wanted to make sure no other Pharaoh changed the carvings at a later date. This Pharaoh was nicknamed 'the Stealer of Temples' as he would go through the pre-established temples and have his name carved over his predecessor's names. Cheeky really.
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